Rental Portfolios
Whether your rental/investment portfolio is 2 properties or 200 properties, we are up to the task of assisting you into turning these real assets into cash. You have been diligent in planning your work, and now it’s time to allow us to help you to work your plan. You have maintained and managed these properties, and we are ready to take the burden off of you and help you enjoy the fruits of your labor. We have the option of conducting on site events at each property, or we can sell all of your properties in a controlled setting at a single sit down event. Of course, in addition to live bidding, we always offer real time online internet bidding, so that everyone has a chance to participate. Our time-tested and proven approach to this special type of real estate class, is the perfect way to gain maximum exposure and profits for you and your family. We look forward to the opportunity to earn your trust while helping you accomplish your goals with these investment properties.